How to organize toys the Montessori way

How to organize toys the Montessori way

Meta Title: The Montessori Way of Organizing Your Little One’s Toys Meta Description: The Montessori way works in the home, too. It is easier than you think. You can buy the perfect toys for your child and organize them to help him achieve his… Montessori education is not just about piling in information but about …

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The Best Montessori Shelves – A Complete Guide

a complete guide to the best montessori shelves

You have arrived. You married the perfect one, the one you dreamed of, you have that dream job, the home with the white picket fence, and a perfect little child, who you want to grow up to be president of the United States. OK, maybe not all that, but you do want the best for …

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How can I improve my toddler’s balance?

How can I improve my toddlers balance (6)

Balance is a key skill that people use everyday when we walk, climb on a stepstool, climb up a set of steps, even sit at a table to eat. Adults and older children can execute all sorts of activities and movements that require good balance without thinking about it. But toddlers must develop this skill …

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The Best Toys With Buttons Switches And Lights

The Best Toys With Buttons Switches and Lights

We don’t start remembering long-term until around the age of three. Still, “toddlerdom” should be the best time in our lives – happy, carefree, loved – a time of laughter, smiles, and yes, toys. The toys, however, should not be mindless but should be learning toys to help expand the minds and abilities of these …

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Why Your Toddler Throws Toys Instead of Playing

why your toddler throws toys instead of playing

When your toddler hurls a plastic dump truck into your flat screen television, your first instinct is probably not to exercise your patience. However, possibly having patience enough to remember a pre-devised plan for this situation is just the ticket.  It is not uncommon for a toddler to throw toys around. Luckily, like most thinelse …

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Best stacking toys for toddlers

The best stacking toys for toddlers

The ability of a toddler to develop the skill of stacking toys or blocks is an interesting developmental milestone. Parents may notice their children attempting to stack toys and objects of all sorts and therefore wish to find specific open-ended toys for toddlers that will foster stacking and building skills. There are many different options …

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The best toys for toddlers who like to push buttons

The best toys for toddler who like to push buttons (1)

Past the stage of rattles and floor gyms, your child is a toddler now. Constantly exposed to language but unable to communicate most of his feelings, wants, and needs, he can get frustrated at times and need you not to react in anger but by rerouting his attention. Toys can do just that, and push …

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What is open-ended play

What is open ended play_

Many of us may remember our childhood playtimes, when ordinary objects became the stuff of adventure and exploration with little or no prompting – just the workings of imagination. When a child is given opportunities to play without limitations or specific directions for how objects should be used or how activities must be carried out, …

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What is a Montessori Shelf

What is a Montessori Shelf and How do you use it

The Montessori method never goes out of style. It’s been around for over a century and parents just to love it, simply because it makes sense.  Let your children discover on their own, keep the materials natural, simple toys, more creativity and open-ended play – who can’t get behind that? With the simplicity of the …

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The best building toys for toddlers

The best building toys for toddlers

Your toddler is learning dexterity. Stacking blocks helps to develop hand-eye coordination and motor skills, as well as spatial skills. Problem solving and imagination are also fostered by block play. Intellectual, physical, and emotional well-being are being promoted, too. A toddler’s level of motor development correlates with the number of blocks he can stack. The …

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